I. Name of the Association:
Ceska asociace loziskovych geologu
(Czech Association of Economic Geologists)
II. Address of the Association:
Czech Republic, Praha, 170 06, Kostelni 26,
III. Objectives
III.1. The Czech Association of Economic Geologists (CAEG) is a voluntary
professional organization uniting specialists working in the exploration
and research and exploitation of mineral deposits in the Czech Republic.
III.2. CAEG Mission:
• To represent the interests of its members and of the field of economic
• To advance the field of economic geology and related fields.
• To represent its members and the field of economic geology.
IV. Membership
IV.1. There are three types of CAEG memberships:
• Individual
• Collective
• Honorary
IV.1.1. Any person may become an individual member provided he or she meets
the following requirements:
• The person must hold a university degree in the field of economic
geology or possess equivalent knowledge and expertise.
• The person must be recommended by two CAEG members.
• The person must promise to comply with the Bylaws of the CAEG.
IV.1.2. A honorary member must have demonstrated extraordinary achievement
and merit in the advancement of the field of economic geology or
contribution to the CAEG. He or she must be proposed by the Council
and approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
IV. Membership inception and termination
IV. 2. 1. Individual and collective membership commences upon the acceptance,
approval and confirmation of an application by the Council and upon
payment of the registration and membership fees.
IV. 2. 2. Membership may be terminated upon the submittal of a formal notice of
resignation, upon expulsion based on a decision of the AGM, upon the
death of a member, or if the membership fees are not paid by June 30 of
the current year or after two months of a member’s acceptance. The
membership may be reinstated by a decision of the AGM, in the case of
expulsion no earlier than two years thereafter.
IV.3. Rights and obligations of members
IV.3.1. Rights of individual members:
• To elect and to be elected to all bodies of the CAEG.
• To take part in the AGM of the CAEG and in its activities.
• To submit proposals to the Council.
• To be informed about the activities of the Association.
IV.3.2. Collective members have the right to be informed and to submit
IV.3.3. Honorary members have the right to take part in the AGM of the CAEG
and to be informed about its activities.
IV.3.4. Members are obliged to comply with the Bylaws of the CAEG, to fulfil
accepted commitments, not to act against the interests of the CAEG, to
act in a professional and honourable manner, to comply with the Code of
Ethics of the Federation of European Geologists, and to pay membership
V.Bodies of the Association
V.1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
V.1.1. The ultimate decision-making body of the CAEG is the Annual General
Meeting of members which:
•Approves and amends Bylaws.
•Directly elects the President as well as six CAEG Council members
to limited terms.
•Elects three Revision Committee members.
•Discusses and approves the activities of the Council, the annual
reports of the Revision Committee, and the budget.
•Approves the registration and membership fees, and
•Grants honorary membership based on the Council’s proposal.
V.1.2. A quorum shall constitute a majority of members present at the Annual
General Meeting. If a quorum is not met, the AGM shall be adjourned for
30 minutes and, thereafter, the number of members present at that time
shall constitute the quorum for voting by simple majority.
V.1.3. An AGM is called by the Council once a year. An Extraordinary General
Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Council either at the request of at
least 20 % of members or if an urgent need arises. Public notice of the
date of the EGM must be given at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
V.2. Governing bodies of the CAEG
V.2.1. General rules for the establishment and conduct of governing bodies are
as follows:
•Governing bodies are established based on a decision of the AGM.
•The members of bodies are elected by secret ballot.
•The decisions of the governing bodies are valid only if a quorum
constituting a majority of members is present; if not, after
adjournment for one hour, any number of members present shall
constitute the quorum for voting by simple majority.
V.3. CAEG Council
V.3.1. The CAEG Council is the ultimate governing body of the Association. It
consists of the President and six other members elected directly at the
AGM to a term of three years.
V.3.2. The Council elects from among its members a Vice President, a Secretary
and a Treasurer.
V.3.3. Council sessions are chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the
Vice President or Secretary. Council sessions are convened regularly by
the President four times a year. An extraordinary session may be
convened by the President, Vice President or Secretary if requested by at
least three Council members.
V.3.4. Obligations of the Council
The Council:
• Compiles a register of members and their activities.
• Manages CAEG activities during the interval between AGMs.
• Convenes and organizes the AGM.
• Presents reports and proposals concerning activities to the AGM,
• Fulfils the commitments adopted at the AGM.
• Manages activities according to the approved budget.
• Provides upon request a list of its members and their activities, a
list of expert witnesses, experts, etc., and
• Keeps its members up to date on the latest developments in the field
of economic geology and in legislative as well as other affairs that
concern the interests of members, and provides other information
requested at the AGM.
V.4. CAEG Officers
The following officers may act on behalf of the Association:
• President
• Vice President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
When acting on behalf of the Association, the authorized officers shall add their signature to the printed name of the Association. Each of the officers may actindependently.
V.5. Revision Committee
The Revision Committee is a controlling body. It is elected at the AGM, its
chairman is elected from among AGM members, it complies with the resolutions of the AGM and with current regulations. It controls the observance of the Bylaws, the fulfilment of commitments, and the management of CAEG funds. The members of the Committee may take part in Council sessions without voting.
VI. Principles of organizational structure
VI.1. CAEG members may form regional branches with the aim of facilitating
communication and the exercise of their rights.
VI.2. A branch may be formed by at least fifteen CAEG members, usually at their
place of work, and shall at the same time elect from among its members a
Secretary in charge of managing the branch. A protocol regarding the
establishment of a branch and containing a list of present members shall
be sent to the Council. The regional branch shall comply with the Bylaws
of the Association.
VII.Funding and management
VII.1. The CAEG manages its activities according to a budget proposed
by the Council and approved at the AGM.
VII.2. CAEG assets comprise material and financial resources used for the
activities and programs of the CAEG and of the Council. The assets comprise:
• Property of the CAEG and revenues
• Membership and registration fees and other funds (grants, subsidies,
VII.3. The cost of membership and registration is approved at the AGM and
proposed by the Council, which also determines the method of payment.
The amount contributed for a collective membership is voluntary and shall
be made public.
VII.4. In the case of CAEG’s dissolution, its assets shall be handled according
to a decision of the AGM.
VIII. Concluding resolutions
VIII.1. The Association is established for an uncertain term. The dissolution of
the Association shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of AGM
VIII.2. The CAEG Bylaws were approved at the AGM of the CAEG on April 16,